USSF Assessments and Upgrading


To become an advanced referee you must have the following game count recorded:

North Carolina State Referee - 50 Games as Center Referee on U17 or Above

Regional Referee - 25 games as a Center Referee and 15 as an Assistant Referee
- All games must be on the Adult Amateur level or Above

National Referee - 40 Games as the Referee and 25 as the Assistant Referee
- All games must be on the Adult Amateur level or Above

*All Games must be using the diagonal system of control (3 Man system)

National Official Re-Certification - 12 Games as a referee or 12 Games as an Assistant Referee in Amateur adult games or higher level (Professional or International)

Helpful pages with Upgrade and Advancement Information

Visit our NISOA advancement page for information about advancing as a NISOA Referee

Archived Matches from CRO Affiliated Leagues —> Match Archives

US Soccer Demosphere Information

All US Soccer Affiliated leagues will be assigned in Demosphere starting January 2023. This includes, but is not limited to: USL Academy, USL League 2, USL W League, National Premier Soccer League, WNT/YNT/MNT matches.


*Formally Called Assessments

To become an advanced referee you must pass the following number of assessments in one year based on the US Soccer Calendar. Assessments should be used for the following certification year, not a mid year upgrade.

North Carolina State Referee - Pass one formal assessment on an 80 minute U15 or higher match

Regional Referee - Have an average evaluation score of 8.0 on maximum of four evaluations. Two on Adult Amateur or above and one on U18/19 Youth. If the average score is 8.0 or higher on three evaluation a fourth is not needed

Regional Referee Re-Certification - must pass two formal assessments by two different referee coaches. One must be an Adult Amateur or above and one on U18/19 Youth.

National Official - Pass three formal assessments in the chosen track (Referee or Assistant Referee) by three different National Referee Coaches

National Official Re-Certification - Pass three formal assessments in the chosen track (Referee or Assistant Referee) by three different National Referee Coaches

Referee Pathway.jpg


Fitness Test Required for each Referee grade

Grassroots Referee - No Fitness Test Required

North Carolina State Referee - Women’s Cat 3 and 7.00 second sprints PFT

Regional Referee

  • Women’s FIFA Referee Fitness - Repeated Sprint Ability, 6.4 Secs & Interval Test 17 Secs Sprint / 20 Secs Recovery

  • Men’s FIFA Referee Fitness Test - Repeated Sprint Ability, 6.0 Secs & Interval Test 15 Secs Sprint / 18 Secs Recovery

National Referee - Track and Gender Specific Fitness Test

  • FIFA Referee Fitness Test - Male Category 1 and Female Category 1

  • FIFA Assistant Referee Fitness Test - Male Category 2 and Female Category 2

CRO Recommends taking 2-3 Fitness Tests each year. The first one is for your minimum standard and, once passed, we feel referees should train for and attempt the men’s FIFA referee fitness test (15/18).

FIFA Fitness Test Details & Layout

Fitness Test Audio Files

Fitness Test Youtube Videos (Also listed below)

This Table will provide the Fitness Test required for LAC and PRO to assign an individual to a match at the professional / amateur professional level per league.

League Male Requirements Female Requirements

NPSL Women’s Category 1 Women’s Category 1

USL 2 / WPSL Women’s Category 1 Women’s Category 1

USL 1 Men’s Category 1 Women’s Category 1

USLC Men’s Category 1 Men’s Category 1

NWSL Men’s Category 1 Women’s Category 1