Referee Knowledge of League Rules

CRO Assigns referees to over 200 youth matches each weekend across more than six leagues in Mecklenburg and Cabarrus Counties. Each of these leagues will use the FIFA Laws of the Game as the base of their league rules.

However, each league AND each age group with in those leagues will have special, league and age group, specific rules. Is it is the responsibility of the referee to read these rules before their matches begin. This could mean that you are in a new league and will need to read those rules even if you did the same age group but in a different league.

What are some rules that could be different?

  • The amount of minutes played

  • Are there Quarters or halves?

  • How many players are used

  • How many subs can be made

  • Can players slide tackle

  • Who reports the score

  • A Lot MORE!

  • The League Info Page of the CRO Website -

  • Look at the picture above. This is a view of what your Arbiter game schedule may look like. The Green arrow is pointing to the league and the orange arrow is pointing to the age group.

    On a different weekend the red arrow is pointing to the league and the purple pointing to the age group for a different league.