Important parts to have for a complete profile
Head shot style photo
Cell Phone Number
Mailing Address
Email Address
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Arbiter Notifications - EMAIL & TEXT MESSAGE
Referees need to have notifications set up in order to be notified when a game is sent to you.
TEXT MESSAGE - notifications will be sent if you OPT IN for them. YOU MUST OPT IN using the steps in the video above for this to work.
EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS - will be sent to the username email address automatically. If you would like an additional email to be notified follow the steps in the instructions.
If you did not receive the Email please check your spam folder and mark the email as “safe” or “Not spam” so that future emails reach your inbox.
The email is sent from “”
You must check your email daily!
Email is how you will get notified about your games, openings for available matches, important updates for the season, information from the leagues and more.
IT IS VITIAL that referees check their email each day for messages from CRO or Arbiter. NOT JUST PARENTS! Referees must do this also!